“The basic Governance principle that we are following in leading and governing the Institute of Applied Technology is that authority and accountability are linked.
Accountability in management is coupled with the authority necessary for effective decision making, and those persons with designated authority will be held accountable for the effectiveness of their decisions”.
H.E. Eng. Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi Chairman of IAT Board of Trustees
Realizing that education and training contribute to an individual’s personal development, increase his/her productivity and incomes at work, and facilitate everybody’s participation in economic and social life. The Government of Abu Dhabi have issued the Royal Decree (32)/2005 to established the Institute of Applied Technology to lead the development of career-based technical education in UAE.
ASP is an academically rigorous program, developed and led by educational professionals, that targets selected high-achieving students. It is specifically designed to develop and nurture the scientists and engineers needed to lead and sustain the future development of the UAE economy. It focuses on Mathematics and Science, together with inquiry-based laboratory experiments to enhance analytical, logical thinking, and writing skills as well as practical problem-solving. The Applied Technology High School offers the Advanced Science Program starting from Grade 09 to Grade 12 in collaboration with the higher education institutions in UAE including Khalifa University of Science and Technology and other institutions. The central intended outcome of the ASP program is to ensure that students will succeed in the demanding AP examinations set and administered by the American Educational Testing Services (ETS). Success in these examinations may in turn provide an exemption from first-year university courses.
Program Objectives
The Advanced Science Program prepares national cadres for undergraduate and post-graduate studies, not only to pass the foundational year, but also to achieve the highest scores among their peers. The program also prepares students for early engagement in scientific research in collaboration with higher education institutions. This familiarizes students with the university experience along with the university’s facilities while strengthening relationships with professors prior to enrolment. It also enhances the scientific research culture among youth and promotes the importance of research and development in supporting the knowledge economy to which the United Arab Emirates aspires.
Program Benefits
Qualification for direct admission in local and international universities