Engineering and Innovation
For centuries, engineering has played a pivotal role in solving problems within societies and contributing towards their advancement. As innovations in engineering empower generations to overcome the new challenges posed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 highlights the engineering field as a key driver of Abu Dhabi’s future economic growth. Engineering has become one of the most sought-after programs in universities both within the UAE and around the world in response to the growing demands of the job market.
The program provides students with a wide range of well-designed courses to ensure that they gain knowledge, hands-on and problem-based learning experiences focusing on modern, state-of-the-art technologies and the workplace. In addition, the program equips students with the skills required to embrace creativity and innovation and sharpen students’ design thinking skills to best serve the Engineering profession.
Upon the successful completion of the program, students should be able to pursue a university degree in an engineering program in different engineering sectors. All students are required to take core subjects and program-specific subjects that include Electrical, Computer and Mechanical Engineering concepts, in addition to Management courses.